Januar 2015zurück

Yoshukai Karate Trainingscamp in Florida

Das diesjährige Trainingscamp des Yoshukai-Verbandes in Florida findet vom 23.07.15-.26.07.2015 statt. Wir planen dazu eine 10-Tage-Reise vom 21.07.-31.07.2015. Anmeldung läuft.

Trainerin Nadja Nihela

Zum ersten Todestag von unserer Vorstandsvorsitzenden und Trainerin Nadja Nihela bedanken wir uns noch mal bei all denjenigen, die ihre Anteilnahme bekundet haben.

Dear friends,
Your loving support after Nadja’s passing meant a great deal to us. We were deeply touched by your words of condolence and are thankful that you are there for us at this difficult time. Thank you.

Alfons Pinders

Dear Karateka:

It is my sad responsibility to inform you of the passing of one of our own, Nadja Nihela, 2nd dan.  Nadja was an instructor at I-Defense, the YKI dojo in Essen, Germany.

Nadja has been a member of Yoshukai Karate for years.  She has attended many of our summer camps with Mr. Alfons Pinders and the delegation from I-Defense.

Nadja was an asset to our organization and she will be greatly missed. I wish to extend all of our sympathy to Mr. Pinders and the Members at I-Defense from myself, my wife Christina, the Board of Directors, Staff and members of Yoshukai Karate International.


Michael McClernan
President, Yoshukai International